30. Juni 2005

When will computer hardware match the human brain? by Hans Moravec

Very interesting article about the growing of technology!

When will computer hardware match the human brain? by Hans Moravec

17. Juni 2005

Totally Free Stuff (Books, CD, Magazine)

A blog that shows stuff in the web that is completely free

Totally Free Stuff (Books, CD, Magazine)

DVD movie format for online download

This is what the Author says:

"RatDVD is the result of my downloading experiences. Downloading movies, even DVD rips never really worked out to what I expected.

When I download movies, I want the full DVD feature set and I want to be able to watch it on any DVD player - without loosing any features of the original DVD. That is what ratDVD can do for you."
DVD movie format for online download:

Plugin for Firefox: Stream mp3`s that are listet on a webside

I just found this nice idea and i`m curious to check that out.

mozdev.org - pageplaylist: index

Video Plugin for Skype

Now you can use your webcam when calling via Skype. Nice idea. Right now it is still free ;-)


9. Juni 2005

URLex - Everyone can discuss about a webside with a simply click in your browser bar!

For me this is a kind of site that should be supportet. It`s a great idea to get easy growing community of individual people together.

Lets see if my first dictionary i opened will work in the blog:


Grocery Store Wars | Join the Organic Rebellion

It is just amazingly done, to show how organic food gets fightne from non organic food with a simple but clear background! Support Organic Food!

Grocery Store Wars | Join the Organic Rebellion

8. Juni 2005

Daft Punk - Technologic Remix Competition

Only german sorry.

Gerade entdeckt!
Einsendeschluss 13.06.2005
Ich lad mir gerade die Samples runter (188 MB wav)

Bin gespannt :-D

Daft Punk - Technologic Remix Competition

Telefonanschluss im Internet VoIP

Sieht mal recht vielversprechend aus. Jetzt muss man mal die Konditionen checken. Verbindung zu anderen VoIP netzen ist jedenfalls mal positiv kostenlos!

sipgate.de - Ihr Telefonanschluss im Internet

Internet security and privacy (B.I.S.S.)

I was checking out a new program called Protowall and since i got this one it`s really impressing what strange adresses want to contact me when i`m online:

for example some log entries:
2005/06/08 04:09:08 [<-] BLOCKED [!] - Destination is Microsoft London Internet Data Center AP2P ( [protocol: TCP / destport: 80]
2005/06/08 03:46:48 [<-] BLOCKED [!] - Destination is AT&T Global Network Services[PRSERV.NET] AP2P ( [protocol: TCP / destport: 80]

just from login in and surfin a little.
It`s a little complicated to install the program. if ysou follow the instructions right and download the actual guiardian.p2p list (google for it) then your safe against known spying ip`s (There are 94076838 known IP addresses in 5930 ranges). Amazing doo!


Enable .OGG file playback support for Windows Media Player

Enable .OGG file playback support for Windows Media Player

10 Ways You Know You?re Over Your Ex (written by a 17 years old boy, cool!

SEX, ETC. -Stories: "10 Ways You Know You?re Over Your Ex
By Jenna Levy, 17, Staff Writer

I had been dating a guy I really liked for a little over four months. When it suddenly ended, I was devastated. So I came up with a list, with some help from friends and teens across the country, to help you know if you?re finally over your ex. Although many things on this list are hard to do, they will help. And so will time . . . it heals all wounds.

1. You no longer listen to depressing music while eating tubs of ice cream. The first couple of days after a breakup are the worst. You feel sorry for yourself and listen to depressing ?emo? music while crying over junk food.

10 Ways
Drowning your sorrows
in ice cream?
Photo by Hannah Rosenblum

2. You no longer talk to your ex?s friends to find out what she?s doing. Nobody knows your ex better than her friends. You?ve probably become closer to them through your ex, but resist the urge to ask them about her.

3. You no longer dig up old voicemails and e-mails and reminisce. Although it?s tempting to save all those mushy ?I love you? voicemails/e-mails that remind you of the good ?ole days, they really need to go. The more things you save that remind you of your ex, the harder it will be to get over him or her.

4. You no longer find yourself talking about your ex with your friends. She used to be all that you would talk about with your friends, but lately you?ve started talking about other stuff.

5. You no longer go out of your way to see your ex in the halls or in a favorite hangout spot. Admit it. In those first couple of weeks, you?d just ?happen? to wind up at her hangout spots or find yourself driving past his house. Again, resist the urge.

6. You no longer check her away messages every 10 minutes. It?s enticing to check the away message to see if your ex wrote anything about you or song lyrics that describe a (hopefully depressed) mood, but in order to get over the"

7. Juni 2005

Endlich in Deutschland: günstige handytarife

Hab ich gerade entdeckt: Simyo, gibts nur im Internet. Es fängt langsam an,dass die Tarife für Handygespräche endlich in den Keller gehen. Österreich amcht es ja bereits mit 9-10 cent pro minute vor. Simyo ist einer der günstigsten derzeit. Bis zum 10.Juli gibts 5 Euro gesrpächsguthaben für`s anmelden.

simyo - Weil einfach einfach einfach ist.

1. Juni 2005

Start-ab Remix contest

Home: ablauf

german Remix contest. Only 48 hours time to make a remix. can be quite funny.