22. Mai 2004

Globaldust Music - Axess Fan Locations

Here you can enter your location to let me show where the fans for my project Axess on earth are located. (only a name registration needed)

Globaldust Music - Axess Fan Locations

17. Mai 2004

DC++ FAQ / Active mode settings with Kerio WinRoute Firewall 5

Just was searching around the net to get my DC++ working through the Firewall running on another PC in my Network.

After some try i figured out how and what to do:

In Configuration/Definitions/Services add or modify the entry DC++
- Protocol: TCP/UDP
- Source: Any
- Destination Port: In range
- From: 1555
- To: 1620

Description: ... as you wish ...

Now go to Configuration/Traffic Policy and Add a New Rule:
- I named it DCPLUSPLUS
- Set the source to your Dial-Up Interface (as the requests come from other clients outside from the Internet)
- Set Destination to Firewall (as request should be forwared to your DC++ behind the firewall)
- as Service choose the defined DC++ Service from above
- Action allowerd
- Translation: Source NAT = No Translation
Destination: Translate to the IP where your Client runs the DC++ Software

In the DC++ Software you have to choose active and the IP of the EXTERNAL Address (follow the FAQ link below to find out how) choose a port between 1555 and 1620.

Now you`r set ...

Why using active mode ?
- Because you`re able to connect to clients that are hosted behind firewalls that are in passive mode.
- You get more and faster search results

broadband ? DC++ FAQ / Direct Connect FAQ? 3. Setting up

14. Mai 2004

can`t stop surfin`

Ok. Well i need to go to sleep cause I have an apointment at the doctor in about 6 hours. I just have to drop a line for this "strange" musican side. Overdozed with cool links and informations. Worth a look ::|FIRTEEN home fop AD!HQ|::


Music for attention deficit foundation

Just found that link from Gltch Btch. Original description: "Gltch Btch is a Music Doer and Researcher who was born infected with the GB virus and has spent an entire lifetime feeling the guilt of having originated the virus". On her side she shouts out Remix Us and you can find some songs in Hi and Lo mp3 format and of course the sample packages for each song.

Stricktly electronic, funny
check them out

Blogger: Edited profile

I just changed my profile picture. Special thanks to Marianne -==Nemesis==-
in almost 8 hours we`re gonna see each other ;-)

My first Blog (click me to find translation)

Hello to all who read this.
This is the birth of my own blog. I think i already opened one once ;-) But ... well yeah i don`t remember. Unimportant anyway.
I have decided to write here in english only, there are several translation services on the web (simply click on the topic "My first Blog" to go to the Worldlingo Page for translation).

Today is a very happy day. It is only a couple of hours and my 5 year friend Marianne from Bostom will come to visit me. I have to clean my rooms a little and then i`ll catch her up at Frankfurt Airport.

My musicactivities are calmed down a little, right now i`m working on a remix that might be released this summer, but I`ll tell more if i`m sure about.



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This is absolutely handy creat tool. Thank you.